This is a step-by-step guide on how I created my EmojiOne Area Picker extension for Flarum. For more info about my research, trial&error and sources or information, see my other article.

Before we start

This was done with Flarum beta 6 on an Ubuntu 16.04 system. I cannot guarantee it will apply to future versions of Flarum.

I have a local Flarum install in /var/www/flarum. This is referred as the Flarum root.

In code snippets, [...] indicates that nothing changed from the last snippet of the same file.

Workbench setup

Based on this discussion.

Create a new workbench folder under the Flarum install and register it as a repository in Flarum’s composer.json:

    "repositories": {
        "workbench": {
            "type": "path",
            "url": "workbench/*/"

Extension setup

Create new new folder with the name of the extension inside the workbench folder, in my case workbench/flarum-ext-emojionearea. That’s where my extension will be placed and I will refer to it as the Extension folder.

Next create a composer.json file inside the extension folder with your details:

    "name": "clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-emojionearea",
    "description": "Add EmojiOne Area emoji picker to Flarum",
    "type": "flarum-extension",
    "require": {
        "flarum/core": "^0.1.0-beta.6"
    "extra": {
        "flarum-extension": {
            "title": "EmojiOne Area"

Then require the extension in Flarum’s composer.json file with the following line:

"clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-emojionearea": "*@dev"

Running composer update will add a symlink from the vendor directory to the extension folder, so we don’t need to run a Composer command every time we change our extension in the workbench.

Javascript setup

All following paths are relative to the extension path.

Javscript code will be placed in js/forum in the extension folder. In this folder we will need two files:


    "private": true,
    "devDependencies": {
        "gulp": "^3.8.11",
        "flarum-gulp": "^0.2.0"


var flarum = require('flarum-gulp');

    modules: {
        'clarkwinkelmann/emojionearea': [

We also create the javascript bootstrap file that will setup our extension.


app.initializers.add('clarkwinkelmann-emojionearea', () => {
    // Nothing yet

When running gulp or gulp watch this will create an extension.js file in the js/forum/dist folder.

LESS setup

This is easy, create a less/forum/extension.less file.

PHP setup

We only need PHP to register our assets, this is done in bootstrap.php at the root of the extension folder:


use Flarum\Event\ConfigureClientView;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;

return function (Dispatcher $events) {
    $events->listen(ConfigureClientView::class, function (ConfigureClientView $event) {
        if ($event->isForum()) {
                __DIR__ . '/js/forum/dist/extension.js',
                __DIR__ . '/less/forum/extension.less',

Coding javascript

Inspired by the flagrow/upload extension.

We will use the mervick/emojionearea jQuery plugin, so we first need to add it as a dependency:


    "private": true,
    "devDependencies": {
        "gulp": "^3.8.11",
        "flarum-gulp": "^0.2.0",
        "emojionearea": "^3.1.5"

We need to create our own button. For that, we create a new file for our EmojiAreaButton that is based on the base flarum/Component:


import Component from "flarum/Component";
import icon from "flarum/helpers/icon";

export default class EmojiAreaButton extends Component {

    view() {
        return m('div', {className: 'Button Button-emojionearea hasIcon Button--icon'}, [
            icon('smile-o', {className: 'Button-icon'}),
            m('span', {className: 'Button-label'}, 'Emojis'),
            m('span', {className: 'Button-emojioneareaContainer'})


The .Button-emojionearea class allows us to target the button with CSS and the .Button-emojioneareaContainer element will contain the picker that we will load with jQuery.

We need to run the $.emojioneArea() method after this component has been loaded. For that we make use of Mithril’s config attribute. This allows you to supply a method that will be called each time a DOM item is redrawn. The isInitialized parameter informs us the method has already been called.

    view() {
        return m('div', {config: this.configArea.bind(this), className: '[...]'}, [
            // [...]

    configArea(element, isInitialized) {
        if (isInitialized) return;

        var $container = $(element).find('.Button-emojioneareaContainer');

We can then load our javascript plugin in the configArea() method. We load emojiOneArea on a new jQuery <div/> so it does not try to find a textarea and we put the picker inside our $container:

    configArea(element, isInitialized) {
        // [...]

        $('<div />').emojioneArea({
            container: $container,
            standalone: true,
            hideSource: false,
            events: {
                emojibtn_click: function (button, event) {
                    // emoji clicked

We can then add our button to the post editor.


import {extend} from "flarum/extend";
import TextEditor from "flarum/components/TextEditor";
import EmojiAreaButton from 'clarkwinkelmann/emojionearea/components/EmojiAreaButton';

app.initializers.add('clarkwinkelmann-emojionearea', () => {
    extend(TextEditor.prototype, 'controlItems', function (items) {
        var emojiButton = new EmojiAreaButton;
        items.add('clarkwinkelmann-emojionearea', emojiButton, 0);

In order for the jQuery plugin to load, we need to add it to our Gulpfile as a file.


var flarum = require('flarum-gulp');

    files: [
    modules: {
        'clarkwinkelmann/emojionearea': [

After running npm install and gulp (or gulp watch) in js/forum, the extension can be enabled in the Flarum install and the Emoji picker is loaded inside the button. Clicking on an emoji does not do anything yet.

To add text to the post, we need to call the insertAtCursor() method on the TextEditor instance. This is not accessible from our button by default, we need to save a pointer when we extend the editor.

We add the attribute to our button:


// [...]

export default class EmojiAreaButton extends Component {

    init() {
        this.textEditor = null;

    // [...]


And fill it at extend time:


// [...]

app.initializers.add('clarkwinkelmann-emojionearea', () => {
    extend(TextEditor.prototype, 'controlItems', function (items) {
        var emojiButton = new EmojiAreaButton;
        emojiButton.textEditor = this;
        items.add('clarkwinkelmann-emojionearea', emojiButton, 0);

Now we can access it when an emoji is clicked:


    configArea(element, isInitialized) {
        // [...]

        var editor = this.textEditor;

        $('<div />').emojioneArea({
            // [...]
            events: {
                emojibtn_click: function (button, event) {
                    var shortcode ='name');

And it works ! Some optimisations were not shown here, have a look at the source code.


The less/forum/extension.less file contains a few rules to hide the parts of the picker we do not need. Have a look at it here on GitHub for the details.

This CSS part is my own invention because I did not find any other extension doing it

To include the CSS of the picker, I use another (normal) Gulp file to copy the CSS needed to a dist folder, much like the javascript part:


    "private": true,
    "devDependencies": {
        "gulp": "^3.8.11",
        "emojionearea": "^3.1.5"


var gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('default', function() {

Running npm install and gulp in css/forum produces a css/forum/dist/emojionearea.css file that will be included in version control. We also add this file to the bootstrap.php file:


use Flarum\Event\ConfigureClientView;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Events\Dispatcher;

return function (Dispatcher $events) {
    $events->listen(ConfigureClientView::class, function (ConfigureClientView $event) {
        if ($event->isForum()) {
                __DIR__ . '/js/forum/dist/extension.js',
                __DIR__ . '/less/forum/extension.less',
                __DIR__ . '/css/forum/dist/emojionearea.css',

To finish properly, add a, LICENSE.txt and .gitignore file. Here’s what I used in the .gitignore file:


In my case I did not even had to run composer install in the extension folder, but if I had unit tests (for example) I would have to run composer. That’s where the /vendor rule in the gitignore would be useful.

Now your extension is ready for git init and git commit !

Have a look at:

Written with StackEdit.